AnTreNotes (Demo) is a hierarchical note list program. Features:
* Assign different attributes such as colour, category, icon, priority, due date, status type, tags etc.
* Over 300 icons
* Tracking features such as Automatic Status Update, Branch Statistics
* Add item, web, email, file and phone links
* Organizing features such as manual ordering, branch level sorting, or move/copy
* Simple reminders
* Search feature
* Export features for all notes, items to an AnTreNotes file
* Item templates for creating items with similar properties
* Apply Attributes for changing children's attributes quickly
Note Types
* Plain Text, or Markdown Text notes
* Multiple views of the list
* Display due date and/or priority on different views
* Status types or completed status filters
* Respective user interface design for tablets and phones
* Strong AES-256 encryption for password protected files
* Organize lists by different files
* Import AnTreNotes file
* Compatible file format with Desktop TreNotes
Demo Info:
* Up to 10 items can be created in each file
* Files with more than 10 items can only open as read only
To purchase the full version, please visit or purchase the AnTreNotes Full Version Key (if available in your region).